Una Lezione sul Futuro

This “Lesson on the Future” represents the summary of an in-depth study on the topic of Sustainability and Well-being which I had the privilege of conducting, last December, coordinating the work of a group of experts at Atelier Pellini, the creative department of Pellini Caffè.  In deepening this two concepts which were at the center […]

Atelier Pellini

A show in three acts about a unique and unmistakable coffee. Atelier Pellini is a stage set that presents the experiences of a family of entrepreneurs who have traveled the world in search of the best way to improve the delightful flavor of their signature coffee. A family which looks for ways to respect nature […]

Navi Volanti

Three projects for the near future of DOOH communication. I will talk about smart phones, the visionary person who changed our lives by simplifying the advanced technologies and that designer who evolved his vision of materiality to offer us a new way of thinking about our own relationships with personal devices. I will do so […]

Be Beautiful

Viaggio nel tempo tra mode e miti One thing is certain: women were destined as if by a biological mission to ensure the survival of the human species. Nature, in entrusting this destiny to them, at times not without suffering unknown to males, also facilitated their role by making them attractive and well-disposed to interpersonal […]

Venice Airport

Exclusivity, innovation & creativity. In this folder is represented only part of the digital offer at Venice Airport. The cover illustrates three original projects of Clear Channel Italy (design Paolo Casti) innovatively interpreting the key points of digital proposals: DigiWelcome, WelcomeTower and LCD 65”. Link Issuu: https://issuu.com/paolo_casti/docs/venice_airport_eng Year Category Related Projects 24 Una Lezione sul […]

Tribù Metropolitane

Città, pubblicità e palinsesto The mobility of Italians and its impact on the population in urban areas.Lectures by Paolo Casti for the Master in Business Communication UPA course at Ca ’Foscari University in Venice. Link Issuu: https://issuu.com/paolo_casti/docs/trib__metropolitane Year Category Related Projects 24 Monopolis 24 Una Lezione sul Futuro 24 Atelier Pellini 24 Vacanze Italiane Inverno […]

Otto lezioni al Master

Audiposter e l’evoluzione della pubblicità esterna Insights from eight lectures given between 2004 and 2006 by Paolo Casti for the Master in Business Communication UPA course at Ca ’Foscari University in Venice. Link Issuu: https://issuu.com/paolo_casti/docs/8_lezioni Year Category Related Projects 24 Vacanze Italiane 24 Be Beautiful 24 Navi Volanti 24 Otto lezioni al Master 24 Stanze […]


Le Città italiane e la Pubblicità Esterna At the beginning of 2005, the Italian outdoor industry had the chance to achieve a leap in quality which would at last enable it to move definitively closer to other media.The Audiposter research project was presented on 9 March and what for the market was merely a tool […]

Un Giro d’Italia

I enjoyed this trip in a fantastic car with a friend. I spent almost a week with them both without distractions, thinking only about the trip, what we saw and who we met. So many photos and so many stories full of unforgettable emotions. I hope some of them have become entangled between the lines […]

Vacanze Italiane

Metropoli d’estate SUMMER is the best-LOVED season but also the one most FORGOTTEN by advertisers.Yet, while it is true that fewer people watch TV and go to the cinema because they usually prefer staying outside to enjoy themselves, it is equally true that when you go out you also see advertising.Inasmuch, posters are seen all […]