
Viaggio nel tempo tra mode e miti

Clear Channel Italy presented the “Incoming: the mobility of Italians and its impact on the population in urban areas” research project in Milan.
The “Sala del Cenacolo” at the ‘Leonardo Da Vinci’ National Museum of Science and Technology saw Paolo Casti unveil the results of research entrusted to Astra Ricerche.

The purpose of this research project – which was outlined by Enrico Finzi, President of Astra Ricerche, and Paolo Casti, Chief Strategic Officer of Clear Channel Italy Outdoor – was to investigate the “incoming” phenomenon: the entity and above all mobility aspects of Italians visiting other cities, with special reference to the 16 most important cities in the country.

“Incomers” enrich and emphasize the contacts measured so precisely by Audiposter on the resident population and are a genuine resource for the world of communication and the outdoor world in particular.
Yet one cannot be content merely to contact this traveling population in the same way as for people who live in these cities, in their own spaces, with very different times, rhythms and attention levels compared to people arriving from elsewhere who live this experience intensely and greater involvement.

This was precisely why we turned to the Italian Highway Network. In recent months, Clear Channel completed its coverage of the highway network – reaching a record share of 97%. Communication through our installations are effectively possible along all highway routes. The only exception is still the Brenner/Modena highway, which remains detached from the world of communication.

It must be pointed out that until now circuits covered so-called “sections”, i.e. routes from one city to another. In this way, all travelers were covered during their movements but it was rather expensive to focus attention on one or another specific city.
Today, recent search into investment optimization and the consequent need to focus advertisers’ outdoor communication action on urban areas have brought about the creation of circuits which, instead of generally covering people who travel the distances between one city and another, intercept people arriving and departing from a specific destination.
—Paolo Casti

Paolo Casti – Clear Channel Italy

Paolo Casti – Clear Channel Italy (Moderator)
Enrico Finzi – Astra Ricerche

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