Etisalat concept store

The design of sales settings for an established brand has always been one of the most complex challenges and, consequently, also one of the most stimulating.

Everything depends on the products or services on offer to the public, their tangible and, above all, intangible nature, as well as the values bonded with the brand built through media communication and people’s experience of them.

Over and above the customary background of knowledge concerning the ergonomics of spaces needed to guide customers around the store, enjoying them in the most natural and agreeable way possible, it is essential to have all the marketing know-how needed to build so-called Brand Experience.

Etisalat, like other major telephone companies, already has an image with its Abu Dhabi public, has already earned a good number of its customers and, like all public companies in the sector, needs to expand its customer base by acquiring new contracts. There are the usual two possible actions to achieve this. On the one hand, convince existing customers to expand their service package, on the other, attract new consumers into stores taking great care not to lose them or at least make sure that the balance between cancellations and acquisitions is in favor of the latter.

The new format for Etisalat’s stores is designed to achieve both objectives by offering efficiency, service and speed for everyone going inside, whether they are existing or potentially new customers.

The first idea was to eliminate the annoying practice of taking a queue ticket.

Digital Stick, the virtual valet, identifies people at the entrance to the concept store and a large screen above the counter will provide all necessary information while waiting.

The second idea was to make the experience at the counter exciting and modern not the least thanks to the help of PAUL, the butler robot arm.

In addition, the functional furniture for active technological entertainment such as Digitable helps experiment with new technologies and products, thereby complementing the proposal as a rewarding and memorable experience.

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